Customizing BatchGeo Map & Markers

You can now customize your marker colors and shapes! Just check under Set Options -> Advanced Options. Here you can select the colors used for your markers (7 possible for free version, 10 for Pro) and select from one of 3 different marker shapes.

Additionally you can select from 5 new map style types to more closely match the style of your website and give your map a little extra pop.

View Super Bowl Team Rankings By Appearances in a full screen map

BatchGeo Browser Support

In order to keep moving BatchGeo forward as browser technologies evolve, we occasionally will have to drop support for older browsers. We have recently dropped support for Internet Explorer 7, this is in alignment with Google’s official support policy:

Google Maps Supported Browsers

We understand not all organizations can keep up with the latest browser releases, so we will always strive to maintain backwards compatibility as long as possible. However we recommend for the best BatchGeo experience using the latest browser versions available.

Internet Explorer users: You should ensure your browser is not running in “Compatibility Mode” as this will cause problems even in newer browsers. To disable compatibility mode:

  1. Click on the “Tools” menu and select the “Compatibility View Settings” option. This will open a window where you can customize the compatibility view feature.
  2. Remove the check in the check box next to “Display all websites using Compatibility View” to turn off the feature.

Hide address data on your map

A new feature is available that will allow you to hide address information for those who wish to not reveal exact addresses. Underneath Validate & Set Options -> Advanced Options you will find an option “Hide map addresses / Limit zoom in”

This will work just as expected. Addresses will be used to place markers on map, but the addresses will not be revealed in the interface. Additionally the map will not zoom in to the point where exact locations could be determined.

We do not randomize address coordinates when sending data to the client, so technically exact location data is still available in the underlying code. For this reason we do not recommend using this to distribute highly sensitive data. However for the average person it will be very difficult to extract coordinates.

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