Category: mapping

Celebrities Born 100 Years Ago

Ever wondered what has become of those celebrities born nearly 100 years ago? We’re here to help you find out with details about 100 of the most famous people born in 1918. Who is still living today, and what have they accomplished in their lives? Which professions tend to live longer? Which professions have the most on-the-job casualties? Read on to learn about the trends pulled from the data about the famous people born 100 years ago.

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Professions with the longest lifespan

A total of 13 celebrities born in 1918 lived to be 95 or older, and of those 13 folks, five are still alive today. Interestingly enough, all of the 13 folks who lived to be 95 years old or older held one of the same four jobs: Actors and Actresses, Artists, Politicians, and Professional Sports Players. There must be something about these four jobs that make those working in lead long and healthy lives.

  • Actors and Actresses

    • Diana Serra Cary (living)
    • Billy Graham (living)
    • Allan Arbus
    • Don Pardo
    • Ellen Dow
  • Artists

    • Frank Popper (living)
    • Artur Brauner (living)
    • Hutton Gibson (living)
    • Gerald Wilson
    • Bernard Redmont
  • Politicians

    • Konstantinos Mitsotakis
    • Helmut Schmidt
  • Professional Sports Players

    • Bobby Doerr

Professions with the shortest lifespan

On the other hand, there is one job that results in multiple deaths at young ages in comparison to our oldest surviving professions. In fact, both Alberto Ascari and Bill Vukovich died at age 37, the second youngest age of death on our 1918 celebrities list. Their job? Professional race car drivers. Both Ascari and Vukovich died during a race.

  • Race Car Drivers

    • Alberto Ascari
    • Bill Vukovich

Alberto Ascari died in a 1000 km Monza race testing a Ferrari. Ascari, who was not supposed to drive that day, flipped the Ferrari on the third lap. The crash happened on one of the most challenging high-speed corners of all time, the Curva del Vialone. The corner was renamed after Ascari’s passing in his honor.

Bill Vukovich died in a chain-reaction crash during the 1955 Indianapolis 500. Vukovich was following three other cars, the first of which swerved due to a gust of wind. Vukovich’s car burst into flames. Fellow race car driver Ed Alisaian stopped his car, which had not been affected by the pileup, in an attempt to save Vukovich, however, he was unable to do so. Vukovich was the second defending Indy 500 champion to die during the race.

Youngest death

The youngest death on the list of celebrities born in 1918 is that of George Welch. A World War II Flying Ace and a Medal of Honor nominee, Welch was also the first man to break the sound barrier in level flight with the F-100 Super Sabre. In continuing his tests on this plane, one test failed and the plane disintegrated. Welch was 36 years old when he passed away, making him the youngest on the list. He is mentioned in the 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora!

Celebrities Still Alive Today

We’ve covered the longest and shortest-living professions and the youngest deaths, but now it’s time to dive into the lives of the five living celebrities born in 1918. One of these famous icons knew Martin Luther King Jr. and advised Barack Obama, one has won an Academy Award, one is a Jeopardy! grand champion and a couple even offer up advice on long-living. One thing is for certain, this is an amazing bunch of people who have had some pretty eventful lives.

Billy Graham, 99

When this post was originally published on Monday, February 19th, 2018, Billy Graham was alive. However, two days later on Wednesday, February 21st, Graham passed away in his home. Read on for a tribute to Graham and his impactful life.

Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, this well-known Evangelical Christian and ordained baptist rose to fame internationally after 1949, two years after the first annual Billy Graham Crusades television event which he started in 1947. Graham was the host of Hour of Decision, a popular radio show which began in 1950 that continued on for four years. Having preached to live audiences of 215 million people in more than 185 countries, Graham is widely regarded as the most influential preacher of the 20th century. He has even provided spiritual counsel to every president from Harry Truman to Barack Obama. Graham’s best friend was Lyndon B. Johnson.

Graham once bailed Martin Luther King out of jail in the 1960s when he was arrested for his protests. He has appeared 60 times since 1955 on Gallup’s list of most admired men and women, which is more than any other individual in the world. Graham retired in 2005. Perhaps his close relationship to God is the reason he’s still around today. He is by far the most famous person on our list.

Graham’s son shared his father’s secrets for long living in an interview back in 2015. Franklin Graham reported that he thinks his father is still alive to serve as a comfort for Christians. In the interview, Franklin said that “Especially now that we see Christians under attack in this country — and this is something, we’re going to see more and more of this — my father is still present. Even though he’s not able to speak as much as he used to, he’s still present, and I think that is a great encouragement to many people to know that Billy Graham is still with us.”

Artur Brauner, 99

Having produced over 300 films since 1946, Artur Brauner is a German film producer born in Łódź, Poland. When Brauner was a young man, he saw the film The Testament of Dr. Mabuse which reportedly was the film that inspired him to begin his career producing movies himself.

His latest film is the 2011 film Wunderkinder and his earliest film was the 1948 Morituri.

In his lifetime, his films have received two Golden Bear awards, one German Federal Film Award, one nomination for a Golden Globe, a Golden Globe, one Academy Award, was nominated two more times for an Academy Award.

Frank Popper, 99

Frank Popper, Professor of Aesthetics and Science of Art and the University of Paris VIII and historian of art and technology is still working to this day. Born in Prague, Czech Republic, Popper has written two books, both about art and technology.

Diana Serra Cary, 99

Born Peggy-Jean Montgomery and formerly known as Baby Peggy, Diana Serra Cary is a former child actress from Merced, California. She was also an author and historian. She is most notably the last living film star of the silent era.

The Hollywood silent movie era was home to three major American child stars: Jackie Coogan, Baby Marie, and Baby Peggy. Cary has been in over 150 short films between 1921 and 1923. With many adoring fans, she was nicknamed “The Million Dollar Baby” due to her $1.5 million a year salary.

However, fame proved to be fleeting in Cary’s case as by 1930, she was working as an extra in the film industry and received very little pay. From then on, with the name Diana Serra Cary, Cary switched gears and started up a career in writing and as a silent film historian. She is the author of several books and became an advocate for child stars’ rights.

In an interview with Tom Lamont, published in The Guardian in 2015 when Cary was 96, Cary said “I feel better now. I feel very, very liberated. I find you’re not surprised by unexpected things as you get older. You’ve had lots of experience, and that’s valuable. Priceless, really. Yes, I find that old age is much more pleasant than youth.”

Hutton Gibson, 99

Hutton Gibson has done a lot more with his life than birth the famous actor Mel Gibson. He is a writer, a World War II vet, and the 1968 Jeopardy! grand champion. Gibson is also the father of 10 more children other than actor Mel for a total of 11 kids. Gibson’s first wife, Anne Patricia Reilly and him married in 1944 and together they had 10 children and adopted one. As of 2003, Gibson had 48 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Curious about other trends? Plot your own map today to see trends and secrets that are near impossible to see any other way, including trends in history like 100 Years Later: Major 1918 Events Mapped Out.

Valentine’s Day Celebrations Around the World

Valentine’s Day, now seen as the celebration of love, is observed all over the world. Yet, it’s not all the same paper hearts and Hallmark cards that the United States has come to expect. Each country and region celebrate a little differently, as we’ve shown on the map below.

View Valentine’s Day Celebrations Around the World in a full screen map

It is often more useful to see data (based on this Wikipedia page) plotted on a map. You can make your own map with open data here. Then explore each country, or read on for more on how the world sees love on February 14.

Valentine’s Day in the United States

A U.S. celebration of Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without exchanging cards with loved ones — or potential loved ones. In fact, roughly 190 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year in the United States. This 190 million does not include the cards that are exchanged by children in schools — that number would be overwhelming. Valentine’s Day in the U.S. has become increasingly commercialized as the holiday encourages consumers to spend money on loved ones. In 2010, Americans spent $108 per person on Valentine’s Day and that number rose to a whopping $131 just three years later in 2013.

Valentine’s Day in Latin America

Valentine’s Day is referred to by a variety of different names throughout Latin America. From “Dia del Carino” (Affection Day) in Guatemala to “El Dia del Amor y la Amistad” (Day of Love and Friendship) in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico, these Latin American countries may celebrate Valentine’s Day a bit differently than those in the U.S., but their celebrations are no less special. Not only do some of these Latin American countries recognize this holiday as one for significant others, but in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico, people also celebrate and perform acts of appreciation for their friends on Valentine’s Day.

Some Latin American countries don’t celebrate their version of Valentine’s Day in February. In Brazil, “Dia dos Namorados” ("Lovers’/“Boyfriends’/Girlfriends’ Day”) is actually celebrated over the summer, in June. This is because February 14th falls very close to the Brazilian Carnival. Due to this absence of Valentine’s Day celebrations in February, Brazil is a very popular tourist spot during February for single folks from the U.S. who wish to avoid all things Valentine’s Day-related.

Colombians and other Latin American countries also partake in “Amigo Secreto” (Secret Friend) during Valentine’s Day. Similar to “Secret Santa” at Christmastime, during Amigo Secreto, participants are randomly assigned a person to whom they must give a gift.

Valentine’s Day in Europe

American Valentine’s Day culture has largely impacted how European countries celebrate Valentine’s Day. The countries most influenced by the U.S. cultural interpretation of Valentine’s Day are Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The Swedish name for Valentine’s Day can be translated into “All Hearts’ Day," which was launched in the 1960s by the flower industry in an effort to increase spending and also due to American influence. Flower sales for All Hearts Day in Sweden are only exceeded by flower sales for one other holiday: Mother’s Day. In Norway and Denmark, much like in the United States, people take the time to eat a romantic dinner with a loved one or send cards or roses on Valentine’s Day.

The United Kingdom celebrates Valentine’s Day much like the United States with just under half of the population spending money on their Valentines. 25 million cards are sent each year. In Ireland, those who seek love make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Valentine in Dublin and pray in hope of finding love on Valentine’s Day.

Similar to many Latin American countries, some European countries also view Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate friendship rather than romantic love. In both Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day is a day to remember friends, and is called ystävänpäivä in Finland which translates to “Friend’s Day.” Estonia’s word for Valentine’s Day also translates to “Friend’s Day.”

Romania has also started to celebrate Valentine’s Day. This has drawn backlash from several groups, institutions and nationalist organizations who condemn Valentine’s Day for being superficial and an import from Western countries.

Valentine’s Day in Asia: Religious Bans

In some countries throughout Asia, Valentine’s Day is banned for religious reasons. When Valentine’s Day was first introduced to Pakistan in the 1990s, the Jamaat-e-Islami political party banned the celebration of the holiday. Since then, the local Peshawar government, other cities, and Islamabad High Court have all denounced the holiday. Despite this, there are still those who celebrate the holiday.

Recently in Iran, Islamic teachers have criticized Valentine’s Day because the holiday contradicts Islamic culture. In 2011, the Iranian printing works owners’ union issued a directive banning the printing and distribution of any goods promoting the holiday, including cards, gifts, and teddy bears.

Religious police banned the sale of all Valentine’s Day items in Saudi Arabia in 2002 and 2008, telling shop workers to remove any red items because the day is considered a Christian holiday. This ban has actually created a black market for roses and wrapping paper. In 2012, religious police arrested more than 140 Muslims for celebrating the holiday and confiscated all red roses from flower shops. Muslims are not allowed to celebrate the holiday, and non-Muslims can only celebrate behind closed doors.

Valentine’s Day in Asia: Lawful Celebrations

Valentine’s Day was first introduced in Japan in 1936 by a cake company that decided to run an advertisement. The Japanese custom that only women give chocolates to men may have originated from the translation error of the cake company executive during the initial campaigns. In the 1980s, the Japanese National Confectionery Industry Association launched a campaign to make March 14 a “reply day,” where men are expected to return the favor to those who gave them chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Men are expected to return gifts that are at least two or three times more valuable than the gifts they received on Valentine’s Day.

In South Korea, women give chocolate to men on February 14, and men give non-chocolate candy to women on March 14 (White Day). On April 14 (Black Day), those who did not receive anything on February 14 or March go to a Chinese-Korean restaurant to eat black noodles and lament their ‘single life.’

The map above provides a glimpse into how various countries around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. No matter how, or even when or if you celebrate the holiday, take some time to remember your friends and loved ones. And if you’re still heartbroken about the results of Super Bowl LII, cheer up by checking out your favorite team’s records in Super Bowl Winners and Losers.

Fastest Geocoders: Benchmarking Google, Bing, and MapQuest

When you have hundreds of locations to plot on a map, speed counts. You likely want to be able to convert addresses to map markers faster than one per second. Even if you only have a single record at a time, your user experience is negatively impacted by delays of even milliseconds.

Since customers of our batch geocoding service rely on fast results, we set out to compare some of the top geocoders to see how quickly they could turn around several hundred addresses. The results below show what we learned testing the geocoders from Google, Bing, and MapQuest, as well as some other geocoders we considered.

What is Geocoding?

Geocoding is the process of converting an address, city, state, zip code or postal code into mappable coordinates. In order to use most customized online mapping tools, such as Google Maps, you’ll need a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates for each of your locations, so each will need to be geocoded.

That’s how our page on geocoding addresses describes it.

For out geocoder tests, we used full addresses, including city, state, and zip code. There are many methods that cartographers can use to turn an address into a plot-able point. You can approximate with existing segments of a street, or use parcel-level centroids, to mention two. Regardless of the method, the result is what matters. Ideally, you’d find an accurate point in the shortest amount of time.


Before getting to the results, it’s important to understand how we approached our geocoding test. Our goal was to provide a setting to get the most accurate comparison possible, so we used the same approach with all geocoders.

Our dataset comprises 670 complete addresses. We opted to only include US addresses, namely a subset of those included in this dataset. Each address was URL-encoded and pre-compiled into the URL format used by each geocoder:

  • Google Free
  • Google Premium:
  • Bing:
  • MapQuest:

We stored the test URLs in four separate files, one address per line in each file. Using Python’s grequests library, we split the tests into equal-sized groups, running each group’s geocoder requests concurrently until all completed. We tested each geocoding provider with groups of 10, 30, 67, and 100. We tested each group multiple times, using the median result.

If you’re interested, you can see the benchmarking code on GitHub.

Geocoding Results

Group size Bing Google Free Google Pro MapQuest
100 4.987568 17.976482 14.626393 13.215507
67 6.509502 18.503981 12.980358 14.202346
30 13.812446 24.373537 13.332298 17.450716
10 28.278917 31.867758 26.12703 37.086448

Response Time

The first thing we can notice in the response times is how big of a difference concurrent requests make. With the smallest group size (10 requests at a time), all geocoders took about 30 seconds to process all 670 addresses. The biggest difference came in the largest group sizes (67 and 100 requests at a time), where Bing shined. Microsoft’s geocoder returned results for 670 addresses in under five seconds at its fastest.

As expected, Google Pro outpaced its free counterpart. At the largest group sizes, Google Pro was 23-43% faster than the free version. We should note that Google Free is built to cap out at a rate limit of 50 requests per second. Google Pro is decidedly the better option if speed and capacity are requirements (the free version also rate limits at 2,500 requests per day). In our informal tests calling Google’s free geocoder from JavaScript (the same method used on BatchGeo), we hit rate limiting that we did not see in our tests from a server.

Except in the smallest group size, MapQuest kept close to the others. The original web map company remains competitive.

Error Rates

Despite sometimes sending as many as 100 requests in a single second, every geocoder stood up well to the load. During our tests, only the free version of the Google geocoder ever returned an error, and that was only four times out of over 2,500 tests, or 0.1% of the time.

The low error rate is surprising, given that many APIs have rate limits, published or unpublished. But as mentioned above, these tests from the server did not appear to trigger rate limiting. Even the tests with 100 concurrent connections did not activate rate limits. While 670 addresses is enough to be a significant sample, it’s likely not seen as an abusive level of requests.

Accuracy of Results

As mentioned earlier, fast geocoder results are only useful if the data returned is accurate. However, since our focus here was on producing a speed benchmark, the accuracy of what is returned was not included. Further, determining whether a geocoded result is “correct” is up to many different interpretation methods. What determines the right answer? How close to the true result is “close enough?” Does the accepted range change based on the size of the property at the address?

Each of these questions is worthy of its own individual investigation, well beyond the scope of our speed benchmark.

Other Geocoders

Lastly, we did consider other geocoders that were not included in this research. Among them were Mapbox and LocationIQ. In both cases, our tests were rate limited, often even in the smallest groups of requests. Each likely has paid versions, which we’d be open to comparing in a future tests.

Fast Batch Geocoding with Built-In Maps

If you’re looking for the fastest way to convert a list of addresses into a map, batch geocoding is your answer. Specifically, our quick and easy mapping tool that makes geocoding as simple as copy-paste from Excel or any other spreadsheet.