Map Printing Issues? Try this…

We recently upgraded to Google Maps API version 3. This version has a lots of advantages for access over mobile devices, and offers general performance improvements.

Unfortunately the new version also comes with some quirks around printing. Apparently some browsers will require you enable the “Print background colors and images” in order to print properly. If you are having difficulty printing maps in BatchGeo try turning on this option in your browser.


This appears to be a known issue with Google Maps Version 3. The only solution I have found is to try browsers other than Internet Explorer, such as Firefox or Chrome.

Importing Excel spreadsheets into Google My Maps

Its true, you can’t import anything other than a KML or a GeoRSS feed directly into Google My Maps. However you can use BatchGeo to create a KML and then import it straight into Google My Maps.

Just paste your Excel spreadsheet into the BatchGeo tool, validate the columns, and start the geocoder. When the map is done click the “Download Google Earth” below the map and you will have your KML.

Of course you could also use BatchGeo to host your map too. In fact we’d love to hear why you’d rather put it on Google My Maps. We even prepared a short video describing why we think BatchGeo has advantages over Google My Maps.