Announcing BatchGeo Pro

BatchGeo is more popular than ever with over 25,000 daily users and over 1 million maps created. Our new Pro product is perfect for people who love our free service but want more speed, security, and features. Its based on Google Maps Premier services which features a far faster geocoder and expanded terms of service from the free API.

Professional users have demanded speed and security, and that’s been our primary focus in launching BatchGeo Pro. However we plan to add many more features in the future while also continuing to improve our free product. For more on BatchGeo Pro head over to our features & pricing page.

Got an idea? Add it to the Idea Board

Our support tool has an idea board where you can add feature requests and star other peoples submissions. This is a great way for us to prioritize feature additions in BatchGeo, so we highly recommend you take some time to add your ideas here and star them if they already exist:

BatchGeo Idea Board

Google Chrome is really fast

As the video below demonstrates, Google Chrome is a wicked fast browser. We highly recommend using a modern browser when using BatchGeo for the best performance. Either Chrome, Firefox 4+, Internet Explorer 9+, or Safari. The great thing about Chrome though is that its always the latest version because its constantly updating itself in the background.

In some speed tests Chrome as been shown to be literally 100x faster than Internet Explorer. If you want quicker maps, Get Google Chrome! Update: Stuck in an enterprise environment with no Admin Privileges? Try Google Chrome Frame.