Category: mapping

SRC Open Sources their Geocoder

Read over at DirectionsMag that SRC has chosen to open source their Explorer geocoding product. I love the idea of putting more tools out their in the open source arena, especially in the area of geocoding. But remember its all about that data, and these days its seems like getting data coverage is the hardest part.

So assuming you take your open source geocoding software and some free TIGER data, you are set to start geocoding on a mass scale. Does anyone have feedback on just how good TIGER is these days?

Geocode right from Excel

Esin S sends along this clever script that uses Yahoo’s REST geocoding service to geocode right in Excel (replace appid=XXXX with your own appID):

Function gCode(Street As String, city As String, state As String, zip As String) As String

Dim xm, xm2 As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim init, ConnectURL As String
Dim temp As IXMLDOMNode
Dim doc As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim l As String

init = “
Street = Replace(Street, ” “, “+”)
state = Replace(state, ” “, “+”)
city = Replace(city, ” “, “+”)
init = init & “street=” & Street & “&city=” & city & “&state=” & state & “&zip=” & zip

Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0”)
Set XMLDOC = CreateObject(“Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0”)
strUrl = init
XMLHTTP.Open “GET”, strUrl, False
If XMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then XMLDOC.loadXML (XMLHTTP.responseXML.XML)
Set doc = XMLDOC.documentElement
l = XMLDOC.childNodes(1).childNodes(0).Attributes(0).nodeValue
gCode = l
End Function

for other elements place this
where X =
0 = Latitude
1= Longitude
2 = address
3 = city
4 = state
5 = zip
6 = country

This is great because you will have access to the “precision” field which is not available to However, using the REST interface you will be subject to the 5,000 per IP address limit. Assuming you don’t need to geocode more than that, your styling!

Thanks Esin!

UPDATE: Esin points out “Phillip, forgot to mention. Whoever uses the script must include the XML library (Tools -> References) in Visual Basic: “Microsoft XML, v X.0″ where X is the latest version number that user has on their PC.”

Now with Worldwide Satellite Imagery

I had some time to incorporate the latest features from Yahoo’s version 3 of their AJAX API.

The main feature is international satellite imagery, this can be enabled by selecting “SAT” from the menu on the left. There is also an option on the batch geocoder for defaulting the view to either Street, Satellite, or Hybrid. This will be good for saved maps especially.

Version 3 seems to be quite a bit snappier performance wise as well. Let me know what you all think of the new features.